5 suggestions to get to the decision maker.
Have Old Leads? Reopen contact with these people. You will find you recapture many of them. The alternative - trying to develop new markets or new customers is expensive so let your competitors do this while you work to steal their customers from them.
Your team's motivation Leakage in Communication gives the game away Be aware of verbal leakage. What we say and more importantly how we say it are determined by what is going on in our head. So check your team’s motivation. Because if they are feeling frustrated with company systems or are demotivated, chances are it will come across in their dealings with your customers.
Be proactive Keep a step ahead of your customer . Often the last thing you want to do is communicate with a customer about a problem. However if you let them know what has gone wrong and more importantly WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT, it will win them over and impress them that you're thinking about them
Getting past the receptionist The age old problem.
Here are 5 suggestions to get to the decision maker.
1. Try calling them at one end of the day or the other when the receptionist is unlikely to be there
2. Always store direct dial numbers when they're given to you or you hear them on voice mails
3. Try another person - such as someone in their department and ask them some questions
4. Refer to previous information if you've spoken to them before
5. Use some technobabble, i.e. more technical information so that the receptionist doesn't feel confident answering for them
Befriending gatekeepers Treat the gatekeeper as your friend The receptionist or P.A. is in a stronger bargaining position than you, so respect this imbalance of power. Be friendly to them, use their name back to them and use words like advise, suggest and help. You will get more out of them if you are respectful to them.
Shortcuts ?
There are no shortcuts ! There are no quick fixes, or shortcuts in selling
It is about doing the right things methodically, and consistently. Dedication to the sales process and professionalism will get you the results you want.
Objections - been there You've heard them all before Find out how to deal with the objections you will face.
Once you’ve decided, then formulate the words you will use. Most of the objections you face are ones you’ve heard before once you’ve been doing the job for a few weeks.
Your voice How much your voice can give away 80% or more of your message is received from your vocal tone. So be conscious of the impression you're giving If you're having a bad day, chances are the other person knows it !
Get the appointment !
You need to close Closing an appointment with someone needn't be scary. Because if you've done the ground work thoroughly you should be lining them up to say "yes" to you. Furthermore a professional business person expects you to close them. Remember your ABCs. Always Be Closing !
Be assertive !
Make sure your questioning is assertive Make your questioning assertive. This will only happen naturally if you genuinely believe in your head that your call is worthwhile and has some value so have a word with yourself to get your mind right ! Do you mind if I ask you what you’re using at the moment is not as assertive as “What are you using at the moment ?”
"People buy from people If they like you your job is easier People buy from people. Remember this always."
This means that you need to create an image of yourself that they will like. So this includes sounding genuine, honest, and interested in them. Being obsequious or saying things that you think they want to hear may make you sound false, and they’ll not trust you so readily.
Closing You have to ask !
When selling it is important that you ask for the order, as soon as you feel that they ought to say yes. If you've done the selling job correctly, you'll know when this is.
Then ask, because if you don't ask they can't say yes !!
Top quote Quotes to live your life by !
"It's not about how good you are when you're winning, it's about how good you are when you're losing." This is credited to Margaret Thatcher. Remember things won't always go your way, things won't always be easy. True champions and successful people are those who keep going even when the going gets tough, and who show great character and resilience.
Top quote Quotes to live your life by !
"Winning doesn't happen in a straight line." Sir Clive Woodward wrote this in his autobiography 'Winning' and I like it. In order for you to be successful in whatever you do, you need to remember that you won't always win, you won't always be successful, it won't always be easy, but don't give up. Keep on being determined to be good at what you do.
Talk benefits - not features Benefit selling is an important part of building interest in your offer It is easy to get carried away with all the latest whizz bang features of your new product or service.
However what will really interest your prospect is how it will benefit them. So consider it from their point of view. It works better that way
Dealing with whingers !
Tip for managers If you have someone within your team who constantly complains and moans about everything - try this simple technique. Simply tell them that whenever there is something they wish to complain about, they should also come to you with 3 suggestions on how it could be overcome. Getting them to become solution orientated will help reduce the whingeing ! We run a training course specifically for telephone team managers, supervisors and team leaders
Efficiency How to offer efficient service Efficiency in customer service consists of 2 opposing forces.
It means speed, but it also means accuracy. Neither one without the other is efficient service.
Be friendly It's obvious isn't it ?
We all appreciate that it is important to be friendly. So how is that we have all spoken to people who aren't ?
Make sure that your words, your tone and your attitude are in tune with being friendly !
Keep smiling !
Your mood affects the other person It's true that people can tell a lot about us by our mood. So if you have someone in your customer service team who is having a bad day, chances are your customer can tell !
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Vinny the Marketer
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