Thursday, October 11, 2018

it) : 10 Steps and Google Tag Manager 2018

STEP 0: Download Pixel Helper extension on Google Chrome.

Step 1: Jump into your Facebook account and then visit your Ads Manager.

Make sure to tap on Close to close the sidebar on your left or else you can’t move on to the next step.

Step 2: Next, click on your Ads Manager menu which is at your top left hand corner right next to the Facebook logo. This will bring up your menu, from there under Measure & Report, tap on Pixels.

Step 3: Got it? Great! Now tap on Create a Pixel.

Step 4: You will be shown a popup. Just enter the name that you want for your Pixel. This can be your business name, a product, or your name and then tap on Create.

Step 5: Now that you’ve created your Pixel, it’s time to install it. So you have three options but the easiest way is to manually install the code yourself. So tap on Manually Install the Code Yourself. Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple and you don’t need any technical experience for this.

Step 6: You’re doing amazing! Now it’s just three little simple steps from here. Jump into your website on WordPress and then install a plugin called Header, Footer and Post Injections (I have added the link here for you).

Step 7: Once you’re installed the plugin, in your WordPress sidebar, head into your Settings and select Header and Footer.

Step 8: Now under your Head and Footer tab, do you see <HEAD> PAGE SECTION INJECTION? Sweet. All you have to do is just copy and paste the code (the code is under the second step back on your Facebook) under ON EVERY PAGE and then scroll down the page and hit Save.

Step 9: Finally, jump into the third step (back in Facebook) and all you have to do is just add your website’s URL and then tap on Send Test Traffic which makes sure if the code that you’ve added works. Once it’s done just tap on Continue.

If you get No Activity then:
Make sure that your URL is for example: and not as
If that too doesn’t work and if it has been more than 20 minutes passed then you can jump back into your plugin where you entered the code and try deleting the code you posted under the header ON EVERY PAGE and instead copy and paste the code under the header ONLY ON THE HOME PAGE and hit Save. Now try it again and it should work.
Step 10: You’ve installed your Facebook Pixel! Now you will be brought to a new page where you can add your events (things that you want your Pixel to track). But you don’t have to do it here (I’ll show you much easier way), so just tap Done below.
That’s it!

Using your new Facebook Pixel.
To use your Facebook Pixel, just head back into your Ads Manager menu(again, it’s the one in your top right hand corner) and then tap on Custom conversions.
Now let’s add your first custom conversion (which is basically what you want your Pixel to do like, for example, if you want it to track visits to your site, leads generated, products purchased etc.). So tap on Create Custom Conversion.

Next, just add the Name for your conversion, choose a Category (like View Content, Lead, Purchase etc.) and then hit Create once you’re done.
There you go! Now the next time you create an ad just enable your Facebook Pixel that you have created (there’ll be an option then) with its custom conversion that you designed.
Two Ways to Track Conversions for Facebook Ads
On February 15, 2017, Facebook will be disabling the old conversion tracking pixel. In preparation for that date, you’ll need to set up conversion tracking using the new Facebook pixel.
The Facebook pixel lets you track conversions for your ad campaigns two ways: with standard events and custom conversions.
The custom conversions method is the simplest form of conversion tracking, requiring no modification of the Facebook pixel code on your website. This tracking method is contained within the Facebook Ads Manager and uses the URLs of the pages you want to track.
The second, more advanced method of tracking your conversions comes from using standard events. This method involves pieces of code that track a specific action and sit within the Facebook pixel on the web page you want to track.
There are nine standard event actions you can track, and installing them requires you to modify the Facebook pixel on your website. Here’s how to get started.
#1: Install the Facebook Pixel
Before you can set up conversion tracking for either method (custom conversion or standard event), ensure that you have the Facebook pixel set up and installed on your website.
You need to install the Facebook pixel on every page of your website. This allows you to gather data on all of your page views and establish a baseline for measuring specific events. For a step-by-step guide on how to install the Facebook pixel, click here.
#2: Choose Which Standard Event Actions to Track
Now you need to decide which standard events to track. Currently, you can track nine event actions: View Cart, Search, Add To Cart, Add To Wishlist, Initiate Checkout, Add Payment Info, Purchase, Lead, and Complete Registration.
The actions you’ll want to track will depend on your Facebook ad campaign objective and the overall goal of your ad campaigns.
For example, if you sell products online and you’re using Facebook ads to generate sales, you’ll want to track ecommerce actions such as Search, View Content (content views on product pages), Add To Cart, Initiate Checkout, and Purchase actions.
In your Facebook Ads Managerclick on the menu button in the top-left corner and click All Tools at the bottom of the menu.
Then under the Assets column, click Pixels.
This opens the pixels dashboard. Under Conversion Tracking Pixel (Old), click the Create Conversion button.
A pop-up menu will appear with the two conversion methods. Select Track Conversions With Standard Events.
Another pop-up box will appear with the nine standard event actions.
You’ll see a description of each action and a column with the code you’ll need to add to the Facebook pixel on the page you want to track.
#3: Install the Conversion Code on Your Website
Now that you know what actions you want to track and where to find the code snippets in the Ads Manager, the next step is to add the conversion code to your website. How you do this will depend on your website platform and coding knowledge.
If you have sufficient coding skills or have a website developer, you can just manuallycopy and paste the Facebook pixel with the standard event code into the tags of the page you want to track.
If you don’t feel comfortable with coding, you can use a plugin to install the conversion code. If you have a WordPress website, there’s an awesome free plugin called PixelYourSite. It allows you to install the Facebook pixel across your whole site with one click and create standard events for the specific actions you want to track.
To use it, go to Plugins in your WordPress dashboard and click Add New. Then search for PixelYourSite.
Once you find the PixelYourSite plugin, click Install and then activate the plugin.
Next, you’ll need to enter your pixel ID in the PixelYourSite dashboard. To find your pixel IDgo to the Pixels area in the Facebook Ads Manager. Your pixel ID is located in the right column under your pixel name.
Copy your pixel ID and paste it into the Add Your Pixel ID field in the PixelYourSite plugin dashboard. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Save Settings. Now the Facebook pixel is installed across your website.
 Next, you need to add the events you want to trackNavigate to the Events tab in the PixelYourSite dashboard and click Add New Event.
In the URL field in the pop-up box, enter the URL of the page you want to trackMake a selection from the Event Type drop-down list.
If you’re using Facebook advertising to generate signups for a webinar, for example, you’d enter the URL of the confirmation/thank-you page that people see once they’ve signed up. Then you’d select the Complete Registration event.
Or if you’re using Facebook advertising to generate leads, enter the URL of the confirmation page that people see when they’ve successfully submitted the contact form on your website. Then select the Lead event.
Additional fields will appear below the event type that allow you to include more information for greater customization and tracking. For example, you’ll see fields for purchase values, currency, order IDs, content categories, and status of the action you’re tracking.
When you’re finished filling out all of the details for your event, click Add.
Repeat this process to add events for all of the actions you want to track. Once you’ve added all of your event actions, check the Activate Events box and click Save Settings.
Note: The PixelYourSite plugin features WooCommerce integration. So if you run an ecommerce store on WordPress using WooCommerce, it allows you to create standard events with one click for actions such as Add To Cart, Initiate Checkout, and Purchases with dynamic purchase values.
#4: Confirm the Tracking Is Working
To check that the tracking is working, download the Facebook Pixel Helper Chrome browser extension.
Once installed, load one of the pages for which you’ve just created standard events. In the top right of your browser, click the Pixel Helper button. A drop-down will appear with the status of each event you’re tracking on that page.
If you see a green circle next to an event, it means everything is working fine. Click an action to view the custom parameters and event info.
#5: Use Custom Conversions to Split Standard Events
If you’ve chosen to track multiple pages using the same standard event, you’ll want to create custom conversions so you can see the individual results for each page in your Facebook ads reporting.
For example, if you’re tracking two different webinar thank-you pages that use the Complete Registration event, you’ll need to create two separate custom conversions. If you don’t do this and you just add the standard event action into your reporting, you’ll see an aggregate, as opposed to the individual results.
To create a custom conversion, navigate to the Ads Manager menu and select Custom Conversions under Measure & Report.
Then click Create Custom Conversion. In the pop-up box that appears, choose Eventfrom the drop-down menu under Rule.
Next, select an event you want to track (Purchase, for example) and enter the parameters associated with the events you created in Step 3 when you added the conversion code to your website.
Finally, choose the category associated with the conversion and click Next.
To check that the conversion is workingvisit the trigger page on your website for that event. When you refresh the custom conversions page, the status column should say Active.
#6: Add Conversions to Your Reporting Dashboard
The final step is to create custom conversion columns in your Facebook Ads Manager dashboard.
When you create custom conversion columns, you can measure the exact number of conversions for the event actions you’re tracking. Additionally, you can track other metrics such as cost per conversion and total conversion values for actions such as purchases.
To create a new reporting column in the Ads Manager dashboard, click on the Columns button. Then scroll down and select Customize Columns from the drop-down list.
In the left column of the pop-up box, click Website under Conversions. You’ll see a list of standard event actions to choose from.
Simply click the check boxes next to the standard event actions you want to add to your reporting and they’ll appear in the right-hand column. Directly below the list of standard event actions, you’ll find the cost per event action metric and below that the conversion value metric.
If you’re running an ad campaign to generate leads for your business, for example, you’d add the standard event field Lead into your reporting, as well as Cost per Lead.
Once you’ve added all of the standard event actions you want to be displayed in your Ads Manager, select the Save as Preset check box in the bottom-left corner of the windowType in a name for your conversion column and click Apply.
Note: If you’ve created custom conversions, at the bottom of the Website sections you’ll see a list of your custom conversions under the title Website Custom Conversions.

What’s Google Tag Manager?

It’s like a free, one-stop repository for pieces of code for things such as tracking, remarketing and analytics.
It allows you to store the various pieces of code that makes these tools work without having to get your hands dirty with code each time. In fact, once it’s set up, you don’t usually even need to touch your website when you want to add new code or make any changes! This is nice for those of us who (like me) aren’t coders!
We’ll presume that you already have Google Tag Manager implemented on your website. If you haven’t, you can find instructions on how to do this here.

So let’s get going.

The first thing you’ll need to do is create your Pixel. This is super easy. 
Go to your Facebook Ads Manager account at expand the menu on the top left of the screen. Then click All tools, and under the Assets heading, click on Pixels. Simply click on Create a Pixel, give it a name and we’re off to the races!

But how do we install the Facebook 

Pixel with Google Tag Manager?

Once you have your Facebook Pixel set up, go back to the Pixels tab, click on your Pixel’s name and on the following screen, click Set Up in the top right-hand corner. If you’ve done this successfully, you should see the screen below.
Simply select Use an integration or tag manager, selecting Google Tag Manager on the next screen.
You’re then given two options. We suggest taking the Quick Installation option. Once you click this, you should see a pop-up window for you to sign into your Google Tag Manager account. If you’re already logged in from another session, it’ll do this for you.
Our next popup is where we get our Pixel up and running.

Select your Google Tag Manager account (box 1). You should see the Google Tag Manager account you already have set up here. If not, you might not have set one up, in which case, follow the link to do so.
Then select the container you want to use (box 2), or create one if there isn’t one already there.
You can configure advanced matching under box 3 and add tags (or edit) under box 4, both of which allow you get a bit more advanced and targeted with what you’re tracking. We’d suggest leaving these well alone in the first instance until you’re more advanced in your knowledge.
Then publish your changes and your Facebook Pixel should be up and running on your website.

Now the million dollar question – “How

 do I know the Facebook Pixel is 


If you use Google Chrome, Facebook has kindly provided a free tool in the Chrome Web Store that you can add to Chrome as an extension which works in the background looking for a Facebook Pixel in use on the site you’re visiting. It’s called the Facebook Pixel Helper. Once you have this installed, simply visit your website with it activated: if you see a small green box appear under the icon; you’re in business!
So that’s how to install your Facebook Pixel with Google Tag Manager. It’s straightforward, easy and helps you reap massive insights and rewards!

Now use your superpower wisely!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

and run a successful campaign.


How to Create Facebook Audiences

To create and manage your Facebook target audiences, you’ll have to use the Audience Manager tool.
You can find this tool in the Business Manager, by clicking on the top-right menu and selecting “Audiences.”
On the Audiences page, you can see all your saved Facebook audiences as well as create new ones. To understand the wide range of targeting options that come with Facebook ads, let’s start from the basics.
Facebook has three primary audience types:
  • Saved Audiences
  • Custom Audiences
  • Lookalike Audiences
Each of these audience types gives you plenty of additional options for creating the perfect target audience for your Facebook campaigns.  

Facebook Saved Audiences

Saved Audiences are the audiences that you can define by choosing people’s interests location, age, gender, used devices, income level, etc. You can create Saved Audiences both in the campaign setup phase or in the Audience Manager.

Location-based targeting

Facebook allows you to target people in specific locations, including:
  • Country
  • State/Region
  • Counties
  • DMA (Designated Market Area)
  • City
  • Postal Code
  • Specific Address Radius
Simply type in the regions you wish to target.
You also have another layer of location targeting, allowing to be even more specific:
Everyone in this location (the default targeting option) – The last updated location of an actual Facebook user
People who live in this location – Location is set by the location on a user’s Facebook profile and confirmed by their IP address.
People recently in this location – Tracked by mobile device usage in the geographic area you intend to target.
People traveling to this location – Users who had this geographic area as a recent location that’s at least 100 miles away from their home location.

Demographics-based targeting

As you click on the Demographics tab, you’ll get plenty of targeting topics to refine your audience based on many options. The basic 3 are:

Age – If you’re targeting an audience with a specified age range, you can easily reach them by telling Facebook who your ideal customers are.

Gender – You can also select to target a particular gender.

Language – If you’re advertising in a particular language, you might want to only target the people who can understand your ads.

But you can get way more detailed. As an example, you’ll be able to target people by their political views, life events, job titles, ethnicity, and so on.

Interest-based targeting

Interests are one of the best (and easiest) Facebook ads targeting options as they allow you to target people specifically interested in a subject related to your product. For example, you could target people interested in your competitors or your broader market segment, or magazines and blogs covering your market.
To target based on interests, you can either browse the menu with hundreds of interests or simply type in one interest, so that Facebook will suggest to you other related topics.
The interests are based on Facebook users’ likes and interests, apps they use, Pages they’ve Liked, and more. Adding more than one interest will target people with at least one of them so you’ll make your reach broader.

Behaviour-based targeting

Unlike precise Interests, Behaviors allow you to target people by purchase history, events they like, personal anniversaries, etc. This data is gathered by Facebook analyzing many factors and also using external data sets.
They are not always useful, but when they are they work great! As an example, you can target people currently traveling or planning their next trip … priceless if you’re in the hotel or event booking market. Check them out and see if they can work for your business.
To master the behavioral targeting and learn about all its possibilities, check this guide: Reach Your 100% Perfect Audience With Facebook Behavioral Targeting.

Facebook Custom Audiences

Facebook Custom Audiences are probably your most high-value target audiences as they allow to re-target past website visitors and people who have engaged with your content or app. There are multiple ways to create a Custom Audience, and we’re going to cover each of them briefly.

Creating Custom Audiences from Customer Files

This first type of Facebook Custom Audience is based on your existing customer files – the lists of email accounts, phone numbers or app IDs. The Customer File audience is a great way to target your newsletter subscribers or app users.
To create a Facebook Custom Audience, follow these steps:
  1. Create a Facebook Custom Audience
  2. Select the “Customer File” option
  3. Select whether you wish to add a customer file or import contacts from MailChimp.
  4. Import your customer data to create a new Custom Audience
  5. Select the identifiers
  6. Upload a customer file
  7. Give your Custom Audience a name
Your customer files can include 15 different identifiers, the most popular ones being:
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Mobile advertiser ID
If you need to clean up the data inside your customer files before the import, this Facebook’s guide can help you out.

Creating Custom Audiences Based on Website Traffic

Website traffic-based Facebook audiences allow you to create remarketing campaigns for people who have engaged with your website. These are high-value audiences as the users seeing your ads have already shown some interest in it. Important! To create audiences based on your website traffic, you first need to install Facebook Pixel. See the Pixel setup instructions by Facebook.
If you’ve built your website on WordPress, you can also create this type of Custom Audiences with the Pixel Caffeine plugin.
Once you’ve installed the Facebook Pixel, you can simply go to the Audience Manager and create a Custom Audience based on past website traffic.
You can choose between multiple options:
  • Target everyone who visited your website
  • Target people who visited specific web pages
  • Target people who visited specific web pages but not others
  • Target people who haven’t visited your website for a certain amount of time
  • Other custom combinations

Creating Custom Audiences Based on App Activity

If you want to reach the people who have engaged with your iOS or Android app, you can set up a Facebook target audience to do that. To target people based on the app activity, you first need to register your app and set up app events.
To create a Facebook Custom Audience based on app activity, target people who have taken specific actions (events) in your app. You can also select the timeframe for targeted events.
For example, you could select a purchase event and specify “In The Last 90 days” to reach people who have completed an in-app purchase event in the past 90 days. Here’s the official guide by Facebook to help you create Custom Audiences based on app activity.

Creating Custom Audiences Based on Engagement

Did you know that you can also target the users that have engaged with your content on Facebook, e.g. viewed your videos or liked a Page post. The latest addition to Custom Audiences is the possibility to target people who have done one of the following:
  • Visited your Facebook Page
  • Engaged with your Facebook Page posts or ads
  • Clicked on any call-to-action buttons
  • Sent a message to your Page
  • Saved your Page or posts
This gives you the perfect opportunity to reach high-potential audiences that are interested in learning more about your brand or product. If you want to know more about Custom Audiences, how to create them, and how to get the most out of them, check out this guide: Facebook Ad Custom Audiences: Everything You Need To Know

Facebook Lookalike Audiences

Facebook Lookalike Audiences let you reach the people who are similar to your existing customer database – making them highly likely to convert as well.
To create a Lookalike Audience, you first need to create a Custom Audience to tell Facebook what type of users you want to reach. Next, select the “Lookalike Audience” from the audience creation menu and select a target country and a percentage (1%-10%) of the targeted country’s Facebook users. The percentage signifies the people most similar to your selected Custom Audience.
Lookalike Audiences help you to extend your ad campaign’s reach so that you only target people who are likely to be interested in your offer.

How To Narrow Down Your Audiences

Sometimes, a Facebook audience can include millions of users. Unless you’ve got hundreds of thousands of dollars advertising budgets waiting around the corner, you should keep your target audiences smaller and more precise.
When creating Saved Audiences, you can narrow your audience with the AND/OR targeting options. The OR targeting means that when you add new targeting options under the same category of targeting, your audience will grow larger. The AND targeting means that a person who’s in your target audience must fall into multiple categories. This will help to decrease your audience size and create niche audiences.
As you may have noticed from the image above, you can also EXCLUDE people who match specific interests or demographics. You can also EXCLUDE specific Custom Audiences from the general target audience. For example, you could exclude past converters to avoid your ads reaching people who are already customers.

Bonus Tip

If some Lookalike Audience or Custom Audiences are too large (hundreds of thousands of people), narrow them down with interest-based targeting by creating a Saved Audience.
Here’s how it works:
  • Create a Facebook Saved Audience
  • Select a Custom Audience or Lookalike Audience
  • Add interest- or demographics-based targeting options

Facebook Ads Reporting in the Ads Manager

The easiest way to review your campaign performance is to use the Facebook Ads Manager. Here, you can filter your campaigns by dates, objectives, etc. and “zoom in” any campaign to measure the performance of every single ad set or ad.
Don’t forget to set the correct date range when checking your ad reports! You can also compare two different date ranges to see how your campaign performance has changed over time.
If you want to understand how a campaign is performing right now, select only the last 7 days. A longer period could change all your metrics and make it difficult to understand your recent campaign performance.
As you look at the Campaigns tab in the Ads Manager, you’ll notice the reporting table with different metrics such as:
  • Cost-per-click
  • Cost-per-conversion
  • Impressions
  • Unique Link Clicks
That’s where you can get a complete overview of all your Facebook campaigns’ performance.
You can select a campaign by clicking on the checkbox in front of the campaign name. Next, you’re able to navigate to the Ad Sets and Ads tabs to see the performance of every individual campaign unit.
The great thing about this page is that Facebook automatically displays the most useful data for each campaign.

Managing Your Ad Report’s Columns

While Facebook’s doing a pretty good job by displaying the most relevant ad metrics, you can actually change the metrics you see in your ad reports. Click on the Columns menu to select between different ad reports to change the metrics in your ad reports.
Different Column sets show various metrics
You can either select pre-set reports or create new custom ad reports by clicking on “Customize Columns.”
There are truly many metrics available in Facebook Ads Manager. To help you get started, we’ve highlighted in bold the most important and insightful report metrics. Of course, the choice of your ad report metrics depends on the campaign’s goal and campaign objective (in red).
Performance: Results, Result Rate, Reach, FrequencyImpressions, Delivery, Social Reach, Social Impressions, People Taking Action, Positive & Negative Feedback, Amount Spent, etc.Engagement: Post Engagement, Post Comments, Post Shares, Page Engagement, Page Likes, Page Mentions, Event Responses, Check-Ins, Offer Claims, etc.Clicks: Link clicks, Unique Link ClicksCTR, Social Clicks, etc.Messaging: New Messaging Conversations, Messaging Replies, Cost per New Messaging Conversation, etc.Media: Video Average Watch Time, Canvas View Time, 3-Second Video Views, 10-Second Video Views, 30-Second Video Views, Video Watches at 25%, Video Watches at 100%, etc.Website Conversions: Website Leads, Website Searches, Website Adds to Cart, Website Registrations Completed, Cost per Website Conversion, Cost per Website Purchase, Website Conversion Value, Website Custom Conversions, etc.Apps: Desktop App Installs, Mobile App Actions, Mobile App Adds to Cart, Mobile App Purchases, Cost per App Install, etc.On-Facebook: On-Facebook PurchasesLeads (Form), Cost per On-Facebook Purchase, etc.Offline: Offline Leads, Store Visits, Offline Purchases, Offline Adds to Cart, Cost per Offline Purchases, etc.
Once you’ve created the ad reports you need, don’t forget to save them! You can also set any new report as the default option.

Advanced reporting With Campaign Breakdown

In addition to the campaign metrics you see in your Ads Manager reports, you can take your Facebook ads reporting routine one step by using the Breakdown menu. By using the Breakdown menu, you can break down your campaign reports by:
  • Delivery: age, gender, location, browsing platform, platform, device, time of day, etc.
  • Action: conversion device, destination, video view type, video sound, carousel card, etc.
  • Time: day, week, two weeks, month
You can select up to one criterion from each section (i.e. one from Delivery, one from Action, and one from Time).
Using the campaign breakdown, you can find answers to many questions, including:
  • Which ad placements are performing the best?
  • What times of day or weekdays deliver the most conversions at the lowest cost?
  • What are the best-performing target countries?
To break down your ad campaigns by different criteria, first select one or more Facebook campaigns. Then, select a criterion from the Breakdown menu.
For example, in the example below, we’ve broken down our ad campaigns by Placements, allowing us to find all the poorly performing placements and turn them off.
Take your time when getting used to all the Facebook Ads reporting options in the Ads Manager. After a while, you’ll get a better understanding of the most important ad metrics and campaign optimization best practices.
Additional reading:

Save & Automate Campaign Reports

Did you know that you can schedule weekly (or daily) Facebook campaign reports to be delivered to your inbox for free? Once you’ve created a report in the Facebook Ads Manager, you can save the report and have it delivered to you periodically. To do that, click on the Report icon next to your Account name. (It’s quite hidden, but take a look at the screenshot below):
As you click on “Save new report…” a small window pops up. You can name the saved report and set up a monthly, weekly or daily email.
If you’re using AdEspresso to manage your Facebook ad campaigns, you can see additional campaign reporting as well as your A/B test results.
Whenever you’re running a Facebook ads experiment, AdEspresso’s automated Facebook ads reporting will let you know which variation is performing better. This feature could potentially end up saving you a great amount of time.

Generate your reports in Pdf with AdEspresso

With AdEspresso, you can create beautiful PDF reports to be shared with your team, your clients, or whoever needs it. AdEspresso has 3 different Report Templates you can use choose from:
  • Audience Analysis: A report completely designed around your audience! Quickly understand who your best customers are and how much every audience is performing.
  • Revenue Performances: A great conversion-focused report to analyze your spend and revenue generated across campaigns!
  • In-Depth Report: A huge report with everything you need to analyze every aspect of your Facebook Ads!
You can build reports out of specific Facebook Ad campaigns or quickly select all campaigns with a specific tag or within a given advertising account!
You can specify to report on campaigns, tags, or ad accounts of data as per usual. Just a click and your modules will be pre-selected and filled with data.  You can review that they are what you are looking for, or edit the modules to reflect a change you’d like to make to your template.
Once you check the preview of your report, you can configure your delivery to be sent to specific email addresses or to be generated from AdEspresso and emailed to you and voila!
And there’s more! Once you’ve set up your report you can always download it again with the most updated numbers! We’ll take care of generating the report every day, week, or month with your latest results and timely deliver it via email ready for download.
Your report templates just saved you some time on reporting, way to go! 

Moving Forward With Facebook Advertising

Alright, we did our best not to overwhelm you with too much new information. However, everything we discussed in this Facebook Advertising Guide for Beginners is really important for your first campaign’s success.
You now know all the opportunities that Facebook Ads have to offer such as how to create a new campaign, set up the right creative, target the right audiences, and how to analyze your campaign’s performance.
But, remember, in online marketing, there’s no one-size-fits-all guide or tips.
You need to apply what you learn and keep testing everything, never assuming that something will work just because you’ve read it online.
Every business is different: While there are many tips and best practices we can teach you, only 
youknow how your business works, who your customers are, and how to effectively apply what you’ve learned here!